Lutte contre les cafards et désinsectisation

Vous avez le cafard ? Ratoblast un partenaire dans la désinsectisation en Belgique Contactez-nous au 

 0487 42 02 10

Cafards et désinsectisation Bruxelles, Wallonie et Flandre:

Cockroaches have a nocturnal activity thus it is hard of detecting them during an infestation start. It is often midnight at random that you cross one in your kitchen. During the day, cockroaches are hidden in slots and cracks close of hot spots ( fridge engine, washer,...). Only a professional handling is able to eradicate this pest. 

Why it matters to you ? 

  • Standard of living threatened : Cockroaches are the symbol of shame and filth even if they like cleanliness. There is a huge psychological impact on you while you are suffering of a cockroaches invasion.

    •  Material damage : They are able to damage structures by gnawing wires and various materials.

  • Sanitary risk : food contamination, spread of diceases, risk of getting any allergies due to their excrements and also breathing problems in particular for asthmatics. 

Do you want to know more ?

Call us as soon as possible